Impact Takes Pressure | CTDP 322


If you want massive change to occur in your relationships, business, health, and future as a whole, then you will be asked to deal with a massive amount of pressure! Dealing with “the pressure” means going all in on what you’re working towards regardless of the struggle you might face. 


On this episode of “Crushing The Day,” we are asked to take a serious look at what kind of impact we plan on making in this world. Stress and roadblocks will show up along the way, but when we push through, we can make a real and lasting impact. 


Are you currently working towards leaving financial security for your family by building an empire and legacy? If you want to leave a lasting impact just as a meteor does when it hits the earth, then you must be ready to take the pressure that comes with it. Tune in to learn more. 


What You’ll Learn:

  • How we have to go full force on whatever it is we are working towards. 
  • Why emotional struggle comes with dealing with the pressure. 
  • That when we push through each roadblock, then we can leave a massive impact. 

Favorite Quote:

“If you want to leave a massive impact like a meteor... You’re going to have be ready to feel that pressure.” 

—Drewbie Wilson



How to get involved

Go to the CRUSHING THE DAY website to get involved!

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