Getting What You Deserve: Why Hard Work Leads to Results


Getting What You Deserve | CTDP 276

We all want to get what we deserve, whether it’s recognition, success, or happiness. But the truth is, you don’t get what you deserve just by wanting it—you get what you work for. In today’s episode of Crushing the Day, we explore the concept of earning what you deserve, why effort and persistence are key to achieving your goals, and how to ensure that you’re positioning yourself for the success you seek. Remember, getting what you deserve is about putting in the work and never settling for less than your best.

Building and Maintaining Client Relationships

Key Takeaways

  1. Deserve is earned, not given. You don’t automatically get what you deserve—you earn it through hard work, dedication, and persistence.

  2. Put in the effort. If you want to achieve something, you need to put in the effort consistently. Hard work is the foundation of getting what you deserve.

  3. Set high standards for yourself. Don’t settle for mediocrity. Set high standards for your work, your goals, and your life, and strive to meet them every day.

  4. Persistence pays off. Success doesn’t come overnight. Stay persistent, even when the results aren’t immediate, and trust that your efforts will eventually pay off.

  5. Demand what you’re worth. Know your value and don’t be afraid to demand what you’re worth. Whether in your career or personal life, you deserve to be treated with respect and fairness.

Deserve Is Earned, Not Given

It’s easy to feel like you deserve success, recognition, or happiness just because you want it. But the reality is that these things aren’t handed out—they’re earned. To get what you truly deserve, you need to be willing to work for it. This means putting in the time, energy, and effort necessary to reach your goals. The more you invest in yourself and your work, the more you’ll see the results you deserve.

Put in the Effort

Put in the Effort

Effort is the cornerstone of success. If you’re not willing to put in the work, you can’t expect to get what you deserve. This doesn’t mean just working hard on occasion—it means consistently showing up, giving your best, and pushing yourself to improve every day. The more effort you put in, the closer you’ll get to achieving the success you seek. Remember, the results you get are a direct reflection of the effort you put in.

Set High Standards for Yourself

If you want to get what you deserve, you need to set high standards for yourself. Don’t settle for doing just enough to get by—aim for excellence in everything you do. Whether it’s your career, relationships, or personal development, strive to meet the highest standards you can set. When you hold yourself to a higher standard, you naturally elevate the quality of your work and the outcomes you achieve.

What’s Next?

Ready to start earning what you deserve? Begin by putting in consistent effort, setting high standards for yourself, and staying persistent even when the results take time to appear. For more strategies on achieving success and getting what you deserve, check out my best-selling books and programs. Remember, you don’t get what you deserve by chance—you earn it through hard work and dedication. Let’s keep putting in the work and crushing it together!

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