What is Success to You


So many young entrepreneurs get it confused! They think that money = success but it's actually just one component. What about you? How does income factor into your own self-worth?

Everyone has their own perception about what is to be successful. It can be monetary or it can be building a business that operates in a way where you have the freedom and time to spend with your loved ones. 

On this episode of the Crushing The Day Podcast, Drewbie dives into the different definitions of success. Tune into another awesome episode discussing how changing the way we think about success can lead to massive growth. Make sure you leave a 5-star review and subscribe to the show!


What You’ll Learn:

  • Why you need to be wary about influencers and how they may affect your decision-making processes
  • How to formulate a plan to make your dreams become reality
  • Why it’s important to have clarity about what success means for you and how you will change your life accordingly!


It's not just money that makes you successful. It's about the impact you're leaving on the world and the people around you. So many young entrepreneurs, business owners, and salespeople get this confused.

They think, "Hey, if I make enough money, I will be successful." But the cool thing about success is that it's all about perspective, and everyone gets to have their own perspective on what success looks like.

Discover what success means to you! Explore our insightful article on 'What Does Success Look Like?

Defining Success: What Is Success to You?

Success may mean making six, seven, or eight figures. It might be monetary, but it could also mean building a business that operates so that you have the freedom and time to spend with your loved ones, go on vacations, travel to exotic locations, and so on.

Success really is determined by you, and only you can choose what kind of success you want to have in your life.

Now, of course, everyone will have their opinion about what success is, and that's just what it is, right? It's an opinion. And you know what they say about opinions.

Now, what I want you to do today is get clear on what a successful life for you would look like. Is there a specific monetary goal that you have? Is there some sort of time freedom that you want, relationships that you want to create within your life? What would it mean for you to be successful?

Discover What Success Means to You! Click here to explore 'Doing What's Necessary' and redefine your path to success

What Is Success To You: Creating Your Perfect Life

How would you create the perfect life and have massive amounts of success? Really get clear on that because as soon as you know what success means to you, when you get clear on that definition, you can start formulating the plan to make it happen.

Don't let other influencers and other people tell you, "Hey, you have to have this, this, and this in order to be successful," because it's all perspective. It's all that you want out of the perfect life. So, what is success to you? How can you create success in your life? And what are you going to do to make it happen?

Discover Your Definition of Success! Explore 'What is Success to You?' in our latest blog post on creating a winning mindset.

Favorite Quote:

“ It is not just money that makes you successful. It is more about  the impact that you're leaving on the world and the people around you. ” —Drewbie Wilson

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