Finish The Projects You Start - Episode 612
Starting something new is exciting. You feel that rush of energy when you dive into a fresh project, full of ideas and motivation. But here’s the truth: starting is the easy part. The real test comes in whether you can finish what you’ve started. Success doesn’t come from simply launching into something new—it comes from the discipline and persistence to see it through to completion. In today’s episode of Crushing the Day, we’re talking about why finishing the projects you start is one of the most important habits you can develop for long-term success. Let’s dive into how following through on your commitments will set you apart and keep you crushing your goals.
Key Takeaways
Starting is easy—finishing is the challenge: Most people have no problem starting a new project, but few have the discipline to finish.
Completion builds confidence: Finishing what you start gives you a sense of accomplishment and builds the confidence to take on bigger goals.
Unfinished projects drain your energy: Leaving tasks incomplete adds stress and takes up mental space that could be used for growth.
Success comes from consistent follow-through: Those who finish what they start—again and again—are the ones who achieve long-term success.
Starting is Easy—Finishing is the Challenge
The truth is, starting something new feels exciting. Whether it’s a new fitness routine, business venture, or personal project, the energy at the beginning is high. But here’s where most people fall short—they don’t follow through. As the initial excitement fades and the real work begins, many give up, leaving projects half-done and goals unaccomplished.
Example: Think about all the New Year’s resolutions people make every January. Gyms are packed, and everyone’s excited to get in shape. But by March? Most people have dropped off. The ones who see real results aren’t the ones who start—they’re the ones who stick with it, month after month, until they reach their goal.
Pro Tip: Before you start a new project, make a commitment to yourself to finish it—no matter how tough or tedious it becomes. Success lies in the follow-through.
Completion Builds Confidence
There’s a special kind of confidence that comes from finishing what you start. Every time you complete a project, no matter how small, you prove to yourself that you have the discipline, focus, and perseverance to see things through. This builds momentum and encourages you to take on bigger, more challenging goals.
Example: Consider the feeling you get when you cross off the last item on your to-do list. It feels good, right? That sense of accomplishment is what fuels your confidence to keep pushing forward. The more projects you complete, the more you believe in your ability to take on new challenges—and finish them.
Pro Tip: Start by setting small, achievable goals, and commit to completing them. As you build the habit of finishing what you start, you’ll gain the confidence to tackle bigger projects with the same mindset.
Unfinished Projects Drain Your Energy
Leaving projects unfinished isn’t just frustrating—it’s mentally exhausting. Every incomplete task takes up space in your mind, adding stress and making it harder to focus on new opportunities. The more projects you leave unfinished, the more overwhelmed you feel, and the harder it becomes to move forward.
Example: Imagine having five different half-completed projects on your plate. Every time you think about them, it weighs on you, causing stress and draining your mental energy. Now imagine if you had completed all of them. Not only would you feel a sense of relief, but you’d also have freed up your mental space to focus on new goals.
Pro Tip: Make a list of unfinished tasks or projects you’ve started but never completed. Commit to finishing one at a time, and experience the freedom and mental clarity that comes from completion.
Success Comes From Consistent Follow-Through
Success isn’t about starting 100 different projects—it’s about finishing the ones that matter. The people who achieve long-term success aren’t the ones constantly jumping from one thing to the next; they’re the ones who commit to a project, follow through, and finish it. It’s the ability to focus on one goal and see it through that sets successful people apart from the rest.
Example: Think about any successful entrepreneur or business owner. They didn’t get where they are by starting new businesses every few months. Instead, they focused on building one thing, day after day, until they made it successful. It’s not about the quantity of projects you start—it’s about the quality of your follow-through.
Pro Tip: Create a “finish line” mindset. When you start a project, visualize what completion looks like and keep that vision in mind as you work. This will help you stay focused and committed, even when the going gets tough.
What’s Next?
If you’ve been starting projects but struggling to finish them, now is the time to shift your focus. Remember, it’s not about how many things you start—it’s about how many you finish. Make the commitment today to follow through on the projects that matter most to you. Whether it’s in your career, health, or personal life, finishing what you start will build the confidence, discipline, and success you’re after.
For more strategies on how to stay focused, follow through, and achieve your goals, check out my top resources, including books and coaching programs designed to help you finish strong and crush the day. Together, we’ll keep pushing forward, completing projects, and building the life you want—one finished goal at a time.
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