Do It for Those Who Wouldn’t Without You: The Power of Leading by Example


There’s more riding on your success than just your own goals and dreams. The people around you—your family, friends, colleagues—are often looking to you for inspiration, guidance, and support. Some people may never take that leap, chase that dream, or put in the work if they don’t see you doing it first. In today’s episode of Crushing the Day, we’re talking about the importance of showing up not just for yourself, but for those who wouldn’t make the move without you. Your actions can inspire others to reach heights they never thought possible. Ready to lead by example? Let’s dive in.

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Key Takeaways

  • Your actions inspire others: The people around you are watching—your example can give them the courage to take action.

  • Leadership is about influence: True leadership is not about titles or authority—it’s about inspiring others to take action through your example.

  • Motivate yourself by thinking of others: When you feel like giving up, remember that your efforts could be the reason someone else succeeds.

  • Support creates a ripple effect: The people you inspire today may go on to inspire others, creating a chain of positive influence.

Your Actions Inspire Others

Whether you realize it or not, people are watching what you do. Your family, friends, colleagues, or even strangers on social media are observing how you handle challenges, pursue your goals, and navigate life. When they see you pushing forward, even when it’s tough, it gives them permission to do the same. Your actions can spark something in others—something that drives them to finally take that leap they’ve been hesitant about.

Example: Think about someone in your life who’s inspired you—whether it’s a mentor, a family member, or even a public figure. Their actions, their persistence, and their success may have motivated you to pursue your own dreams. In the same way, your actions are motivating someone else. You may not even know who they are, but your determination is lighting a fire inside them.

Pro Tip: Next time you’re feeling unmotivated, remember that someone is looking up to you. Your persistence could be the key to inspiring someone else to take action on their own goals.

Leadership is About Influence

You don’t need a fancy title to be a leader. Leadership isn’t about authority—it’s about influence. The greatest leaders are the ones who lead by example, who inspire others to take action simply by showing what’s possible. When people see you putting in the work, pushing through tough times, and staying committed to your goals, it inspires them to do the same.

Example: Think about great leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. or Mahatma Gandhi. Their leadership wasn’t rooted in power or authority—it was in their ability to influence others through their actions, words, and dedication. People followed them not because they had to, but because they were inspired by the example they set.

Pro Tip: Don’t underestimate your influence. You don’t need to be in a position of power to lead. Every action you take, every goal you pursue, and every challenge you overcome can inspire those around you to step up and do the same.

Motivate Yourself by Thinking of Others

There will be days when you feel like giving up—when the road ahead seems too hard or the progress too slow. In those moments, it can be easy to lose motivation. But here’s something powerful to remember: your efforts aren’t just about you. There are people in your life who are counting on you to show them what’s possible. By staying committed and pushing forward, you’re giving them the strength and belief that they can do the same.

Example: Imagine you’re working on a big project or trying to achieve a personal goal. It’s tough, and you’re feeling worn out. Then you remember that your kids, your spouse, or your team at work are watching how you handle this challenge. If you push through and succeed, it will show them that they can do hard things too. Suddenly, your motivation shifts—it’s not just about you anymore. It’s about showing others that they can succeed, too.

Pro Tip: On days when you feel like giving up, remind yourself who’s watching. Your persistence might be the spark that someone else needs to keep going.

Support Creates a Ripple Effect

Support Creates a Ripple Effect

When you inspire one person, they, in turn, can inspire others. The support, encouragement, and example you provide creates a ripple effect that goes far beyond what you might see in the moment. The people you lift up today could go on to lift up others, creating a chain reaction of positivity, growth, and success.

Example: Consider a teacher who inspires a student to believe in themselves and pursue their dreams. That student goes on to achieve great things and, in turn, inspires others in their community to do the same. The teacher’s influence didn’t just stop with one person—it spread, touching the lives of many through a ripple effect of inspiration.

Pro Tip: Think about the ripple effect you’re creating. When you lead by example and inspire others, you’re not just impacting one person—you’re creating a positive influence that can reach far beyond your immediate circle.

What’s Next?

It’s time to step up, not just for yourself but for those who wouldn’t make the move without you. Remember, your actions have the power to inspire and influence others, and sometimes, your persistence is exactly what someone else needs to see in order to take action on their own dreams. Lead by example, push through the tough times, and create a ripple effect of positivity that can change lives—starting with your own.

For more strategies on leadership, motivation, and creating positive influence, check out my top resources, including books and coaching programs designed to help you crush the day. Together, we’ll keep showing up, leading by example, and inspiring others—one day at a time.

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