How Do You Start a Call with a Lead?

Starting a call with a lead is a critical moment that sets the tone for the entire conversation. The first few seconds can make or break your chances of building rapport, engaging the lead, and ultimately converting them into a customer.

In this blog, we’ll explore strategies and best practices for starting a call with a lead, drawing insights from my own experience in the sales industry and my book, Call The Damn Leads.

The Importance of a Strong Opening

A strong opening is essential for capturing the lead’s attention and establishing a positive connection. It’s your opportunity to make a great first impression and demonstrate that you’re worth their time.

Inspiring Quotes:

  1. “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” – Will Rogers
  2. “The beginning is the most important part of the work.” – Plato

Personal Anecdote

Early in my sales career, I realized that how I started a call greatly impacted the outcome. By refining my opening lines and approach, I was able to increase engagement and conversion rates. This experience underscored the importance of preparation and authenticity in starting a call effectively.


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How Do You Start a Call with a Lead?

Preparing for the Call

Preparation is key to starting a call with confidence and clarity. Before dialing, ensure you have all the necessary information about the lead and a clear objective for the call.

Steps to Prepare:

  1. Research the Lead: Gather relevant information about the lead, including their needs, preferences, and background. This helps you tailor your approach and show that you’ve done your homework.
  2. Set a Clear Objective: Know what you want to achieve from the call, whether it’s scheduling a meeting, gathering information, or closing a sale.
  3. Prepare Your Opening Lines: Craft a compelling and personalized opening that captures the lead’s interest and sets a positive tone for the conversation.


Before calling a potential client, I research their company, recent activities, and pain points. This preparation allows me to start the conversation with relevant insights and questions, demonstrating my understanding of their needs.

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The Components of a Strong Opening

A strong opening typically includes a greeting, a brief introduction, and a clear value proposition. These elements help establish rapport and create a foundation for a productive conversation.

Components of a Strong Opening:

  1. Greeting: Start with a warm and professional greeting. Use the lead’s name to personalize the call.
  2. Introduction: Introduce yourself and your company briefly. Keep it concise and relevant.
  3. Value Proposition: Highlight the value you can offer. Focus on how you can help the lead solve a problem or achieve a goal.

Sample Opening Lines:

  1. Greeting: “Hi [Lead’s Name], this is Drewbie Wilson from Call The Damn Leads.”
  2. Introduction: “I’ve been following your company’s recent projects and I’m impressed with your growth.”
  3. Value Proposition: “I’d love to discuss how our lead generation strategies can help you scale even further.”

Personal Story: In my early days, I often fumbled with my introductions, trying to cram too much information into the first few seconds. By simplifying my opening and focusing on the lead’s needs, I was able to engage them more effectively and set the stage for a successful conversation.


How Do You Start a Call with a Lead?

Building Rapport Quickly

Building rapport quickly is crucial for creating a comfortable and open dialogue. Show genuine interest in the lead and establish a connection based on trust and mutual respect.

Techniques for Building Rapport:

  1. Active Listening: Show that you’re listening by responding to what the lead says and asking follow-up questions.
  2. Empathy: Demonstrate understanding and empathy for the lead’s situation or challenges.
  3. Common Ground: Find common interests or experiences to create a sense of connection.


If a lead mentions a recent challenge, I acknowledge their situation and share relevant experiences or solutions. This not only shows empathy but also builds trust and rapport.

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Overcoming Initial Resistance

Leads may be wary or skeptical during the initial stages of a call. Overcoming this resistance requires patience, understanding, and a focus on providing value.

Strategies for Overcoming Resistance:

  1. Acknowledge Concerns: Recognize the lead’s concerns and address them openly.
  2. Provide Reassurance: Offer reassurances about your intentions and the value you can provide.
  3. Focus on Benefits: Highlight the benefits of continuing the conversation and how it can help the lead achieve their goals.

Personal Anecdote: I’ve encountered many leads who were initially hesitant or skeptical. By acknowledging their concerns and focusing on how I could help, I was able to turn resistance into curiosity and engagement.

The C.A.L.L.S Process

In Call The Damn Leads, I outline the C.A.L.L.S process, a no-nonsense system designed to create connections, understand client needs, and build a plan that delivers results. This process is crucial for starting a call effectively and ensuring you address the lead’s needs from the get-go.

C.A.L.L.S Process Breakdown:

  1. Confirm The Reason You’re Speaking: Remind the lead that it was their idea to start the conversation by submitting their info and that you are there to help. Acknowledge their quest for knowledge and make them feel seen, heard, and understood.
  2. Ask Relevant Questions: Use pre-qualifying questions to uncover the lead’s true needs. Your questions should be precise and tailored to their situation.
  3. Listen Intently: Switch from asking to listening. Absorb the information the lead provides and use it to tailor your approach. Taking notes and putting them in your CRM will help you manage the relationship effectively.
  4. Lay Out a Plan: Show the lead the path to success. Be clear, concise, and confident in your plan, transforming their uncertainty into a vision of success.
  5. Secure the Bag: Handle objections as opportunities to reinforce the value you’re providing and close the sale by overcoming their last line of defense​​.

Practice and Continuous Improvement

Starting a call effectively requires practice and a willingness to continuously improve. Review your calls, seek feedback, and refine your approach based on what works best.

Steps for Continuous Improvement:

  1. Review Calls: Listen to recordings of your calls to identify strengths and areas for improvement.
  2. Seek Feedback: Ask colleagues or mentors for feedback on your opening lines and overall approach.
  3. Experiment and Adapt: Try different techniques and approaches to see what resonates best with your leads.

Personal Story: I regularly review my call recordings and seek feedback from trusted colleagues. This ongoing process of refinement has helped me continually improve my opening lines and overall call effectiveness.


How Do You Start a Call with a Lead?


Starting a call with a lead is a critical step in the sales process. By preparing thoroughly, crafting a strong opening, building rapport quickly, and overcoming initial resistance, you can set the stage for a successful conversation. Personalize your approach, focus on providing value, and continuously refine your techniques to maximize your chances of success. Remember, the first few seconds of a call can make all the difference, so make them count.

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