Change Mindset: Change Requires Change

Change Requires Change - Ep. 626

What you'll learn on this episode of Crushing the Day:

  • 💥 Those who you should be surrounding yourself with. 💥
  • 💥 Who are the models of your life? 💥
  • 💥 Changing the way you think by your surroundings. 💥

Favorite Quote: 

"If you want to change your surroundings, you have to change those you surround yourself with."

One of Drewbie's favorite books:

"Steal Like an Artist"


Change mindset: if you want to change your surroundings, you have to change the people you surround yourself with, and this is one of the most challenging conversations to have with people on the journey. I know this because I was one of those who had this conversation with a mentor early on and laughed in his face.

Looking at it now, it's disrespectful, and I should apologize because he was trying to steer me in the right direction. But he told me, "Drew, if you want to become this version of success that you're telling me about, you're going to have to get away from some of the people with whom you're currently spending time." It's not to say that they're bad people; it's not to say that they're malicious or have ill intent for you.

Ready to redefine success? Dive into our blog post "What Does Success Look Like: The Many Versions of Success" and change your mindset today!


Change Mindset: Surround Yourself with Success

They probably love you, appreciate you, and want to support you, but they are not the individuals who can help you get to the level you're capable of being on. Again, I laughed in his face and thought, "You know what, man, you don't know me, you don't know my people, and you don't know what we are capable of."

But the truth is, now that I look back, hindsight being 20/20, we can look back and have a perfect vision of what we've done well and what we've not done so well. And that conversation is something that I look back on, and I didn't do so well at it. I didn't treat it the way it should be treated because when I think about it, it wasn't until I changed the people I surrounded myself that I leveled up my community and my tribe.

I focused on surrounding myself with folks who live the kind of life I wanted. Not just friends, guys from the block, but successful individuals with a life I wanted to model mine after.

And not precisely, correct? I'm not trying to be a copycat of anyone, but one of my favorite books, "Steal Like an Artist," says, "Hey, if you want to be the next great thing, go find who's great now and pick a little bit from each of them that you like and make it your own.

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Change Mindset: Transform Your Surroundings, Transform Your Life

Change Mindset: Transform Your Surroundings, Transform Your Life

Use that to influence your style and create something somewhat new." Because there's nothing new out there, but create something new based on your influence from the people around you. When you change your surroundings, you change the way that you think and the way that you make decisions, right?

You level up to that person that you're destined to become. But if you don't choose to change where you are, getting out of the hood, getting out of a toxic relationship, or getting out of a bad job, right? If you don't change your surroundings, you can't change your life.

That's why they tell people that when you go into rehab, you must stay away from those past individuals. They're okay but won't help you get where you want.

So, if you want to change where you're at in your life and keep moving forward to that version of yourself that you know exists, start thinking about who you're learning from, who you are letting be your mentor, and who you are taking advice from. Because when you change who you're with, you change what you're capable of.

It's time to embrace the power of change! Check out our blog post "STOP RESISTING CHANGE" and discover how to transform your mindset for success. Click here to read more: Change Your Mindset Now!


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