Just Show Them You’ve Got What They Want with John Highley - Ep. 30

What’s up you guys, It’s your boy Drewbie and I’m so excited because I’ve got the one, the only, “Marketing Savage,” Mr. John Highley with me today. John's journey from a hesitant entrepreneur to an industry leader is packed with insights on developing confidence in sales, and is definitely going to resonate with anyone looking to grow both personally and professionally.

We also explore the concept of alter egos and how reconnecting with your true self can skyrocket your success. Transferring that power to focusing on what the client truly desires and offering value beyond the monetary exchange, translates into mutually beneficial relationships that thrive.

Sales isn't just about closing deals; it's an art form that requires understanding, strategy, and confidence. We definitely highlight the importance of knowing when to sell and when to hold back, the power of creating irresistible offers, and learning to learn from only those that have been where you want to go to achieve financial success. We share epic stories, including how a laid-back approach secured a multimillion-dollar deal against all odds. Sales truly is an empowering force that leads to personal growth, resilience, and practical strategies that will elevate your life and career.

Key Moments:

-How a serious lack of confidence affected John’s sales experiences early on and the moment it finally clicked.

-The key to sales is showing people that you have what they want.

-Unconventional wisdom: Sometimes the best follow-up is…not following up??

-If your offer is good enough, people will figure out how to make it work.

-You can’t expect to learn something from someone who hasn’t done it.



Drewbie Wilson (00:01.047): Hey, what's up, everybody? Welcome to "Call the Damn Leads," the show for sales professionals by sales professionals. I'm your host, Drewbie Wilson. I'm thrilled to be here with you, sharing wild stories and tactical advice on how to elevate your sales career and have fun doing it. Sales can be one of the wildest, most stressful jobs on the planet, but it also offers some of the coolest experiences we'll ever have. That's what this show is all about.

Today's guest is someone I'm super excited to have on here. He's been a mentor of mine for the last couple of years and is known as the Marketing Savage. If you know anything about "Call the Damn Leads," you know how crucial marketing is. This guy will not only share marketing insights but also how he became one of the most successful sales guys in his industry. Please welcome Mr. John Highley to the stage. What's up, John?

John Highley (01:11.302): Hey, what's up, Drewbie? I appreciate that awesome intro, bro. I'm so happy to be on this podcast. It's been a while since I've been on a sales podcast. Lately, I've been focusing more on the spiritual stuff. I'm excited to share my story here because I believe this is something I haven't told on any other podcast. For those out there needing inspiration and tactical advice on breaking into sales and doing it relentlessly like a savage, today is your day.

Drewbie Wilson (01:46.671): I absolutely love that, and that's why I was so excited to bring you on. We've been working together for a few years now, and one thing I've noticed is your ability to influence others to make powerful decisions. In sales, you need confidence and empathy. You excel at listening to what people are saying, understanding where they're coming from, and showing them the path to the solution they're seeking. I know that confidence wasn't always there for you, so tell me, what's your most memorable "Call the Damn Leads" moment?

John Highley (02:44.586): My most memorable moment starts with the belief that when someone inquires about your products or services, the pressure is already in them. You don't need to pressure them; you need to paint a vision and guide them to get what they want. I didn't know this when I started back in 2003 in the automotive industry. I drove around from car dealership to dealership, offering mobile automotive dent removal, but I had no confidence and was terrified of sales.

I remember sitting in my truck, looking through the window, and driving off without walking in. This went on for years. I finally mustered up the courage to approach the crappiest car dealerships, working hard to fix their worst dents for little money. Over time, this tough experience built my confidence and skills, making me one of the best in the world at what I do.

One day, I reached a breaking point. I was in my truck, with tears streaming down my face, and I made a decision. I would never let myself stop succeeding. Something changed in me. I started walking into big dealerships like I owned the place. I made up a spiel to get in the door and wouldn't leave until they let me work. This relentless approach eventually made me successful.

Drewbie Wilson (09:30.819): Hold on, man, there's a lot to unpack there. You went through years of struggle, which built your success.

John Highley (09:39.586): Absolutely, Drewbie. Those two years of struggle were foundational. Later, I built the world's largest educational system in my industry because of the respect I earned. The stress and challenges shaped my ability to handle tough situations, ultimately leading to success.

Drewbie Wilson (10:27.967): It reminds me of my early sales days. There's a big difference between a sales professional and an order taker. This show is about transforming order takers into true sales professionals through hard work, awkward conversations, and relentless effort. That transition brings out the killer instinct and savage in you.

John Highley (11:44.622): Exactly, Drewbie. That transformation is about rediscovering your true self. Schools often stifle our creativity and confidence. We need to step back into who we were meant to be, embracing our creativity and belief in ourselves.

Drewbie Wilson (13:16.043): That is powerful, John. If you had one sales strategy you consider your secret weapon, what would it be?

John Highley (13:49.326): Relentlessly focus on what your client base wants and how you can change their life. Understand their needs and articulate how your solution benefits them. People don't care about you; they care about what you can do for them. Show them the end result they desire, and they'll exchange their money for your solution.

Drewbie Wilson (16:38.107): That's such a powerful insight. Sales is about understanding and solving problems for others. Knowing when not to sell and referring them to the right person can create partnerships and growth.

John Highley (18:32.27): Exactly, Drewbie. Sometimes, stepping back and letting things unfold naturally works better than relentless follow-up. Trust that if it's meant to be, it will happen. This approach has landed me some of my biggest deals.

Drewbie Wilson (22:29.463): That approach works for you because of the strong brand you've built. Not everyone can do that, but the key is building confidence and delivering value.

John Highley (23:08.406): Yes, Drewbie. Building a brand where clients seek you out is crucial. High-ticket clients need to know you're confident in delivering results. When you set high expectations and deliver, clients will come to you.

Drewbie Wilson (25:30.165): Absolutely. Sales is the easiest million-dollar job you'll ever have and the hardest $50,000 job. Believing in yourself and removing roadblocks is key to success.

John Highley (35:07.227): Yes, Drewbie. Everyone has a unique gift. Learning how to make a million dollars a year should be your focus. It’s about finding a product or service that delivers immense value.

Drewbie Wilson (41:29.164): John, it has been an honor having you on the show. You've shared incredible wisdom and stories. For anyone wanting to connect with you, what's the best way?

John Highley (41:29.164): Go to kingdompowerlife.com or join our Facebook group, Kingdom Power Life. We're launching many new initiatives to support individuals on their journey to success.

Drewbie Wilson (42:06.319): Thank you, John. Sales gives us the opportunity to create our own destiny. Get out there, call the damn leads, and change your life. We'll see you on the next one.

John Highley (43:20.874): Thanks, Drewbie. Appreciate it.

Connect with John:

If you are looking for an action-packed speaker to knock it out of the park for all of your event attendees then you should be thinking John Highley AKA The Marketing Savage. John can do off the cuff or specific keynote topics, anything from marketing, systems and processes, business, to motivation he can do it all.

As the creator of the largest online education platform in the automotive industry and leader of the Marketing Savage Movement, John Highley’s mission in life is to help over 1,000,000 business owners break the shackles of conformity.

John is a #1 best-selling author on Amazon and is a top contributor with several podcasts. Through coaching, he has helped mentor over 10,000 clients who now represent what It looks like to WIN.

John Highley IS "The Marketing Savage": a full-time entrepreneur who has ownership in 6 companies all the while being a loving husband, proud father, and recently founded The Church Of The Savage in Texas.


E-Mail john@MarketingSavage.com

Website: https://www.johnhighley.com/

Kingdom Power Life: https://www.kingdompowerlife.com/



Call The Damn Leads

"By sales professionals, for sales professionals - Tales of your wildest sales stories and tactics to succeed in your sales career across various industries."

Join Drewbie Wilson, a sales veteran with over 20 years of experience, as he brings you insider stories, humor, and actionable strategies to excel in your sales journey.

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  • Wild Sales Stories: Engaging tales of real-life sales adventures.

  • Proven Tactics: Actionable strategies to boost your sales game.

  • Humor: A fun and energetic perspective on the world of sales.

  • Expert Insights: Learn from seasoned professionals in various industries.

Don't miss out on the insights, humor, and strategies that can take your sales career to new heights! Sales professionals, entrepreneurs, and small business owners striving to enhance their sales, marketing, and personal growth to achieve financial success and time freedom.

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