What Does Success Look Like?   | CTDP 195


What is success and what does it mean? We all want to be more successful, and that means something different for everyone! 


For some, it could be making a certain dollar amount and owning things. For others, it could be having the ability to run their business in such a way that allows more time spent with family.  


On this episode of “Crushing The Day,” Drewbie explains that WE choose and define what success looks like in our lives. You get to design the life you are going to live! Tune in to learn more.


What You’ll Learn:

  • How beautiful it is that we get to choose our own definition of success.
  • Why it’s important not to let anyone else decide what that looks like for us.
  • That only you know what will make you feel happy and fulfilled in your life.


Favorite Quote:


“You get to live in success because YOU are the one that gets to decide what success looks like.” 

 —Drewbie Wilson


How to get involved
Go to the CRUSHING THE DAY website to get involved!

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