Time Doesn’t Care About Feelings: The Importance of Taking Action


We’ve all had those days when we just don’t feel like doing what we need to do. Maybe you’re tired, unmotivated, or waiting for the “right mood” to strike. But here’s the hard truth: time doesn’t care about your feelings. The clock keeps ticking, whether you’re in the mood to work or not. Success doesn’t come to those who wait for inspiration—it comes to those who take action, regardless of how they feel in the moment.

In today’s episode of Crushing the Day, we’re going to talk about why waiting for the perfect time or the right feeling is holding you back. It’s time to stop letting your emotions dictate your actions and start taking control. Ready to learn how to show up, no matter what? Let’s dive in.

Key Takeaways

  • Time is indifferent to your emotions: Success doesn’t wait for you to feel ready.
  • Action beats feelings: Taking consistent action, even when you don’t feel like it, leads to progress.
  • Feelings are temporary; results are permanent: What you do today impacts your future, regardless of how you feel in the moment.
  • Discipline over motivation: Building discipline helps you push through when motivation fades.

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Time Doesn’t Wait for Feelings

Time is a constant. It doesn’t slow down or stop just because you’re not in the mood. Whether you’re tired, unmotivated, or feeling unsure, the minutes keep passing, and the opportunities keep moving forward. If you wait for your feelings to line up perfectly with your goals, you’ll be waiting forever—and missing out on the progress you could be making.

Example: Think about a student who waits until they "feel" motivated to study for an exam. They spend days procrastinating, hoping that a burst of energy or inspiration will push them into action. When the test day arrives, they’re unprepared, and the time they wasted can’t be regained. Had they taken action, regardless of how they felt, they would’ve been ready.

Action Item: The next time you catch yourself saying, “I’m just not in the mood,” stop and take one small step forward anyway. Whether it’s a workout, a work project, or a personal goal, taking action despite your feelings is the key to long-term success.

Action Beats Feelings Every Time

Here’s the thing—action creates results, not feelings. It’s great when you feel motivated, but success is built on the days when you show up, even when you don’t feel like it. When you take action, you build momentum, and that momentum will eventually create the motivation you’ve been waiting for.

Example: Think about a writer trying to finish a book. If they wait for inspiration to strike, they might only write once a month. But a writer who commits to showing up at the desk every day, even when they don’t feel like it, will finish their book in a fraction of the time. Why? Because action creates progress, and progress builds momentum.

Action Item: Set a daily goal to take action toward one of your bigger goals, regardless of how you feel. It could be as simple as 15 minutes of focused work or a small step toward a larger project. What matters is that you do something, no matter how small.

Feelings Are Temporary, Results Are Permanent

It’s important to remember that feelings come and go, but the results of your actions are lasting. When you’re feeling tired or unmotivated, it’s easy to justify taking a break or putting something off. But once the feeling passes, what are you left with? The same unfinished tasks and goals. On the flip side, when you push through your temporary feelings and take action, the results will stick with you long after the emotions have faded.

Example: Think of an athlete training for a marathon. Some days they wake up tired or unmotivated, and it would be easy to skip the day’s run. But if they push through and stick to their training plan, they’ll build the endurance they need to cross the finish line. The days they chose to run, even when they didn’t feel like it, are the days that make the biggest impact.

Action Item: Next time you feel like putting something off, remind yourself that your feelings are temporary, but the progress you make will last. Take action in the moment, knowing that the results will stay with you.

Time Doesn’t Care About Feelings

Discipline Over Motivation

Motivation is fleeting, but discipline is what will carry you through the tough days. The people who succeed aren’t always the most motivated—they’re the ones who’ve built the discipline to show up consistently, no matter how they feel. Discipline is what turns action into habits, and those habits are what lead to success.

Example: Think about a successful entrepreneur. There are days when they don’t feel like working or making tough decisions, but their discipline keeps them moving forward. They’ve built routines and habits that carry them through the moments when motivation is nowhere to be found. It’s not about feeling like it—it’s about doing it because you’ve committed to the process.

Action Item: Start building small daily habits that reinforce discipline. Whether it’s waking up at the same time each day, dedicating time to a specific task, or committing to a workout routine, these habits will build the discipline you need to succeed when motivation fades.

What’s Next?

It’s time to stop waiting for the right feeling to take action. Time doesn’t care how motivated you are or how “in the mood” you feel—it keeps moving forward. Success comes to those who take action, no matter what. When you stop letting your emotions dictate your choices and start prioritizing discipline over motivation, you’ll see real, lasting progress.

Let’s make today the day you commit to showing up, even when it’s hard. Push through the temporary feelings and focus on what really matters—your goals. Time waits for no one, so let’s start crushing the day by taking action, no matter how we feel.

For more tips on building discipline, staying focused, and taking action in the face of challenges, explore my coaching programs and daily resources designed to help you stay consistent and achieve your goals.

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