Do the Thing You Don’t Want to Do: Break Through Resistance


We all have that one thing we avoid—the task that seems too hard, too uncomfortable, or just plain unpleasant. But here’s the truth: that very thing you don’t want to do is often the key to your growth and success. In today’s episode of Crushing the Day, Drewbie Wilson breaks down why facing resistance and doing the hard things will push you closer to your goals. Are you ready to stop procrastinating and start taking action? Let’s dive into why embracing the uncomfortable is the game-changer you’ve been waiting for.

Key Takeaways

  • Growth Happens in Discomfort: The tasks you avoid are the ones that push you to grow the most.
  • Resistance is a Sign: When you feel resistance toward something, it’s often a signal that it’s exactly what you need to do.
  • Tackling the Hard Stuff Brings Success: Doing the difficult things creates breakthroughs and sets you apart from the rest.
  • Momentum Builds Confidence: Each time you conquer something you resist, you build the confidence to tackle bigger challenges.

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Growth Happens in Discomfort

If you’re avoiding something, chances are it’s because it challenges you. But here’s the thing: growth doesn’t happen when you’re comfortable. It happens when you step outside your comfort zone and push through the difficult tasks. The very things you resist doing are the ones that will help you grow into the person you need to be to achieve your goals.

Example: Think about a salesperson who avoids cold calling. It’s uncomfortable, nerve-wracking, and full of potential rejection. But once they start making those calls, they build skills, confidence, and resilience—leading to more sales and growth.

Pro Tip: Identify one task you’ve been avoiding because it feels uncomfortable. Start small, take action, and watch how it helps you grow.

Resistance is a Sign

That feeling of resistance isn’t random—it’s a sign. When you resist doing something, it’s often because it’s important for your growth and success. Instead of running from that feeling, lean into it. The more you avoid the task, the more it builds up in your mind. But once you tackle it, you’ll realize it wasn’t as bad as you thought.

Example: A writer procrastinates on starting a new project because it feels overwhelming. But once they sit down and start typing, they realize it’s not as difficult as they imagined. The hardest part is starting, and once they push through that resistance, the process flows.

Pro Tip: When you feel resistance toward a task, see it as a clue that this is something you need to tackle head-on. The reward lies on the other side of that discomfort.

Tackling the Hard Stuff Brings Success

The people who succeed are the ones who do the hard things, even when they don’t want to. By consistently taking action on the tasks you avoid, you separate yourself from the crowd and create breakthroughs in your life and business. It’s not always easy, but it’s always worth it.

Example: Consider an entrepreneur who avoids dealing with finances because it feels tedious. Once they tackle it, they discover inefficiencies and opportunities for growth. By facing the task they didn’t want to do, they open the door to increased profitability and success.

Pro Tip: Start each day by doing the one thing you’ve been avoiding. This builds momentum and ensures you’re consistently taking steps toward success.

Momentum Builds Confidence

Momentum Builds Confidence

Each time you take action on a task you’ve been avoiding, you build momentum. That momentum leads to confidence, making it easier to tackle even bigger challenges. Before you know it, the things that once seemed impossible become part of your routine. Confidence and success go hand in hand, and it all starts with doing the hard things.

Example: A fitness enthusiast avoids doing leg day because it’s tough and exhausting. But once they push through that workout, they feel a sense of accomplishment. Over time, their confidence grows, and what was once a dreaded task becomes a source of strength.

Pro Tip: Track your progress each time you conquer a task you resist. Reflect on how far you’ve come and use that momentum to push through future challenges.

What’s Next?

The thing you don’t want to do is the very thing that will lead to your next breakthrough. Whether it’s a difficult conversation, an uncomfortable task, or a step outside your comfort zone, facing resistance head-on is the key to growth and success. Stop putting off what you know needs to be done—take action, build momentum, and watch how your life transforms.

Ready to push yourself further? Explore the resources, books, and tools available at Call the Damn Leads to help you stay on track and keep growing. And if you want accountability and support, consider joining the OG Damn Leads Crew—a community of motivated individuals dedicated to doing the hard things and reaching new levels of success.

Let’s crush the day and tackle those challenges—one step at a time!

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