Looking Down on Others Doesn’t Lift You Up: Lead with Humility


Success isn’t about looking down on others—it’s about lifting them up. In today’s episode of Crushing the Day, Drewbie Wilson shares why true leadership is rooted in humility and the importance of supporting those around you. When you focus on helping others grow, you not only strengthen your community but also elevate yourself in the process. Are you ready to lead with humility and become the kind of leader who lifts others up? Let’s dive in.

Key Takeaways

  • Humility is Key to True Leadership: Great leaders don’t look down on others; they focus on lifting people up.
  • Supporting Others Leads to Greater Success: Helping others grow strengthens your team and creates a positive ripple effect in your own journey.
  • Collaboration Over Competition: Success is a collective effort, and when you help others win, you win too.
  • True Leadership is About Service: Leading with humility and a servant mindset fosters loyalty, trust, and long-term success.

Daily Motivation and Mindset

Humility is Key to True Leadership

It’s easy to let success go to your head, but real leadership is grounded in humility. Looking down on others won’t make you a better leader—it creates distance and disconnect. The leaders who inspire loyalty and growth are the ones who remain humble and remember that success is a team effort. Lifting others up shows that you value their contribution and recognize that everyone has something to offer.

Example: Think of a CEO who takes the time to mentor employees, encouraging them to develop their skills and reach their full potential. Their humility and willingness to invest in others create a loyal, high-performing team.

Pro Tip: Practice humility by actively listening to those around you and offering support where it’s needed. Leading by example encourages others to grow and builds a stronger community.

Supporting Others Leads to Greater Success

When you make the conscious decision to lift others up, you create a positive ripple effect that ultimately leads to your own success. Helping someone else reach their potential not only strengthens your network but also creates allies who are willing to support you in return. Building others up doesn’t take anything away from your success—it amplifies it.

Example: A salesperson who shares their strategies with a colleague helps the entire team perform better. In return, that colleague may bring new ideas and opportunities to the table, further benefiting the group and the original salesperson.

Pro Tip: Shift your mindset from “What can I get?” to “How can I help?” The more you support others, the more opportunities will come back to you in unexpected ways.

Collaboration Over Competition

True leaders know that success isn’t a competition; it’s a collaborative effort. When you focus on competing against others, you create an environment of scarcity and negativity. However, when you approach success from a collaborative perspective, everyone wins. Helping others grow doesn’t diminish your achievements—it enhances them.

Example: A team of entrepreneurs who share knowledge and resources with each other will grow faster and more sustainably than individuals who try to hoard information or keep others from succeeding.

Pro Tip: Look for ways to collaborate with others in your network. When you contribute to each other’s success, you create a supportive environment that encourages growth for everyone.

True Leadership is About Service

True Leadership is About Service

At the heart of true leadership is the mindset of service. It’s not about using your position to look down on others—it’s about using your influence to serve and support those around you. When you lead with humility and focus on helping others achieve their goals, you build trust and loyalty. People are more likely to follow and support leaders who genuinely care about their success.

Example: A manager who regularly checks in with their team, offering guidance and support without micromanaging, creates a work environment where employees feel valued and motivated to do their best work.

Pro Tip: Make it a habit to ask, “How can I serve my team today?” This simple question shifts your focus toward leadership through service, which fosters long-term success and loyalty.

What’s Next?

Looking down on others won’t lift you up, but leading with humility and a servant mindset will. True leadership is about building others up, fostering collaboration, and creating a supportive environment where everyone can succeed. When you focus on helping others grow, you elevate yourself and strengthen your community.

Ready to grow as a leader? Explore the resources, books, and tools available at Call the Damn Leads to help you lead with humility and make a lasting impact. Want to be part of a community that values growth, collaboration, and support? Consider joining the OG Damn Leads Crew, where we build each other up and push toward collective success.

Let’s continue to lead with humility, lift others up, and crush the day—together!

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