Every Cut Corner Reduces Life's Bigger Picture | CTDP Ep. 4


So many of us want ultimate success, but we are willing to go all the way in order to have it. We try taking shortcuts to our millions, but we are missing the lessons that actually lead us there. You could get a result by doing less, but did you really gain the wisdom to keep those results? 


On this episode of “Crushing The Day,” we learn that by taking shortcuts, we are actually choosing to opt-out of what could be the greatest moments in our life. Shortcuts will never fulfill us, it is a short-term game!  When you skip out on doing the hard work, you are also choosing to miss out on the bigger picture. 


If it’s worth having, then it’s worth doing right. Do the work! Take your time and learn the lessons that build character. The road to becoming our most elite selves is a long one, but the wisdom we gain along the journey is the destination! It’s time you looked at the bigger picture! Tune in to learn more. 


What You’ll Learn:

  • How taking shortcuts, cuts out the best parts of our journey. 
  • Why taking the long road is what allows us to have the kind of success that is long-lasting. 
  • That if we want to be insanely successful individuals who live a life of fulfillment, then we have to do the work it takes to get there. 

Favorite Quote:

“Every corner you cut will reduce the size of your life's bigger picture.”

—Drewbie Wilson

The big picture won't stay big if you continue to cut corners.

Cutting corners will get you quick results but they won't paint the picture you see for your life. 

If you keep cutting the corners, you won't have any room to create the life you desire!


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