Don’t Just Wish For It: Turning Dreams into Action


Everyone has dreams and desires, but here’s the truth: wishing alone won’t make them happen. If you want to achieve something—whether it’s in your personal life, career, or health—you can’t just sit around hoping it will magically fall into place. You need to take action, stay committed, and put in the work. In today’s episode of Crushing the Day, we’re talking about why wishing isn’t enough and how taking action is the key to turning your dreams into reality. Let’s stop wishing and start doing!

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Key Takeaways

  • Wishing doesn’t create results: While it’s important to dream big, success only comes when you take consistent action toward your goals.

  • Action separates dreamers from achievers: The people who succeed are the ones who turn their dreams into actionable steps.

  • Commitment is key: If you’re serious about your goals, you need to commit to taking action—even when it’s hard.

  • Progress comes from daily effort: Small, consistent actions every day are what lead to long-term success.

Wishing Doesn’t Create Results

Dreams and wishes are great starting points—they give you a vision of what you want your life to look like. But here’s the thing: wishing alone won’t get you anywhere. If you want to turn your dreams into reality, you need to take action. It’s the work you put in every day that creates results, not the wishing, hoping, or dreaming.

Example: Think about someone who dreams of starting a business. They might spend hours daydreaming about being their own boss, having financial freedom, or launching the next big idea. But if they never take the first step—whether it’s doing market research, creating a business plan, or making their first sale—that dream remains just that: a wish. It’s only when they start taking action that they’ll see real progress.

Pro Tip: Write down one thing you’ve been wishing for and identify one small action you can take today to move toward that goal. It doesn’t have to be a huge leap—just a simple step forward.

Action Separates Dreamers from Achievers

There’s a big difference between people who dream and people who achieve. The dreamers talk about what they want, but the achievers take action. What separates them isn’t that the achievers have better ideas or more talent—it’s that they’re willing to do the work. They turn their wishes into plans, and their plans into actions. They understand that success doesn’t come from wishing—it comes from doing.

Example: Consider athletes who reach the top of their sport. They didn’t get there by wishing they could be the best—they put in the hours of training, practice, and discipline that others weren’t willing to do. Their success didn’t happen by accident—it was the result of taking consistent action, day after day.

Pro Tip: Next time you catch yourself wishing for something, ask yourself, What’s one action I can take right now to move closer to that goal? Start small, but start taking action.

Commitment is Key

Wishing for something is easy—it feels good to imagine what life could be like if everything worked out perfectly. But here’s the reality: if you’re serious about your goals, you need to commit to them. Commitment means taking action even when it’s hard, even when you don’t feel like it, and even when progress is slow. Wishing won’t get you through the tough times—commitment will.

Example: Think about someone who wants to get in shape. It’s easy to wish for a healthier body, more energy, or better fitness. But it’s hard to show up to the gym consistently, eat healthy meals, and stay disciplined when the results aren’t immediate. The people who succeed in their fitness goals aren’t the ones who wish for it—they’re the ones who commit to putting in the work, day after day.

Pro Tip: Make a commitment to yourself. Write down your goal, and list the actions you need to take to make it happen. Then commit to taking those actions consistently, even when it’s tough.

Progress Comes From Daily Effort

Progress Comes From Daily Effort

One of the most important lessons about success is that it doesn’t happen overnight. You can’t just wish for something today and expect to have it tomorrow. Progress comes from the small, daily actions you take over time. Whether it’s building a business, improving your health, or working on personal growth, it’s the consistent effort you put in every day that leads to long-term success.

Example: Think about someone who wants to learn a new skill, like playing an instrument. Wishing they could be a great musician won’t magically make it happen. But if they commit to practicing for 30 minutes every day, over time, they’ll see improvement. Those daily efforts might not seem like much at first, but they compound, and before they know it, they’ll have mastered the skill they once only dreamed of.

Pro Tip: Break your goals down into small, manageable steps. Focus on making consistent progress every day, rather than trying to achieve everything at once. Over time, those small actions will add up to big results.

What’s Next?

It’s time to stop wishing and start taking action. Remember, success doesn’t come from dreaming—it comes from doing. Whether your goal is big or small, the key is to take consistent, committed action every day. Don’t wait for the perfect moment, the perfect plan, or the perfect opportunity—start now with what you have, and build momentum as you go. Let’s stop wishing and start crushing our goals, one action at a time.

For more tips on taking action, staying committed, and achieving success, check out my top resources, including books and coaching programs designed to help you crush the day. Together, we’ll stop dreaming and start doing—one step at a time.

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