You’re Judged When Landing: Why the Outcome Matters More Than the Journey


When you start something new, there’s always excitement. But here’s the truth—while people might cheer for your takeoff, they’re watching closely to see how you land. How you finish, how you deliver the final result, and how you handle the challenges along the way are what truly define your success. In today’s episode of Crushing the Day, we’re talking about why it’s your “landing” that people remember most, and how you can make sure that when you cross the finish line, you do it in style. Let’s dive into why the end result matters and how to make sure you stick the landing in everything you do.

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Key Takeaways

  • It’s the landing that counts: How you finish is what people will remember most—make sure it’s strong.

  • Don’t get lost in the excitement of the takeoff: The start of a new goal is exciting, but the hard work comes in seeing it through to the end.

  • Resilience helps you land well: It’s not always a smooth ride, but resilience and determination will help you finish strong.

  • Finish with purpose: Whether it’s a project, a goal, or a challenge, make sure you finish with intention and a plan.

It’s the Landing That Counts

There’s a saying that goes, “You’re only as good as your last game.” The same goes for life, business, or personal growth—people often judge you based on how you finish, not how you start. Sure, you can launch into a project with energy and excitement, but what really sticks with people is how well you land. Did you deliver the results you promised? Did you overcome the obstacles along the way? Did you stay committed and see things through?

Example: Think about an airplane flight. The takeoff might be thrilling, but if the landing is shaky or rough, that’s what you remember most. It’s the same with goals—you might start strong, but if you don’t follow through, that’s what people will judge.

Pro Tip: Keep your focus on the finish line. Start strong, but always keep your eye on how you want to land. Your final result is what will leave the biggest impact.

Don’t Get Lost in the Excitement of the Takeoff

It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of starting something new. Whether it’s launching a business, starting a fitness journey, or setting a new goal, the energy is high in the beginning. But here’s the thing—starting is the easy part. The real test of your commitment and discipline comes in the grind, in the middle of the journey when the excitement fades, and in how you push through to the end.

Example: Think of a marathon. The start of the race is full of energy—everyone is excited, adrenaline is pumping. But it’s the runners who pace themselves, stay disciplined, and focus on the finish line who succeed. They know it’s not about how fast you start—it’s about how well you finish.

Pro Tip: When the excitement of the takeoff starts to fade, remind yourself of the end goal. Keep pushing through the grind and stay focused on the results you want to achieve.

Resilience Helps You Land Well

Let’s be honest—there will be turbulence along the way. Maybe things don’t go as planned, or obstacles pop up that threaten to knock you off course. But this is where resilience comes in. How well you land is often a reflection of how well you handle the challenges that come your way. Resilience isn’t about avoiding failure—it’s about bouncing back, adjusting your course, and continuing to move forward no matter what.

Example: Think about entrepreneurs who’ve launched a business. It’s rarely a smooth ride to success. Most face setbacks, whether it’s financial struggles, market changes, or personal challenges. But the entrepreneurs who land well—the ones who build successful, lasting businesses—are the ones who are resilient, who keep pushing even when the odds are stacked against them.

Pro Tip: When setbacks come (and they will), remind yourself that they’re part of the journey. Focus on bouncing back and staying on course for a strong landing.

Finish with Purpose

There’s a big difference between simply finishing and finishing with purpose. When you’re working toward a goal, it’s not enough to just check it off your list. The key to a memorable landing is finishing with intention—having a clear purpose and a plan for how you want the end result to look.

Example: If you’re working on a big project at work, don’t just rush to finish it because you want to get it over with. Take the time to refine the final details, deliver the project with confidence, and make sure you’ve achieved the goals you set at the start. The extra effort you put into finishing strong will set you apart and make your landing memorable.

Pro Tip: Before you cross the finish line, take a moment to reflect on what you want the final result to look like. Make a plan to finish strong, with purpose, and deliver the result you’re proud of.

What’s Next?

It’s time to focus on your landing. Whether you’re in the middle of a project, working toward a personal goal, or navigating through challenges, remember this: it’s not about how you take off—it’s about how you land. Make sure you’re putting in the effort, staying resilient, and finishing with intention. The world will judge you by your landing, so make it count.

For more tips on how to stay disciplined, resilient, and focused on achieving your goals, check out my top resources, including books and coaching programs designed to help you crush your goals and land strong. Together, we’ll stay committed, keep pushing, and crush the day!

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