Waiting to Get Started: Why There’s No Perfect Time to Take Action


How many times have you told yourself, “I’ll start when the time is right,” or “I just need to wait for the perfect moment”? If you’ve been waiting to get started on your goals, you’re not alone—but here’s the truth: there’s no such thing as the perfect time. The more you wait, the more opportunities pass you by. In today’s episode of Crushing the Day, we’re talking about why waiting to get started holds you back, and why taking imperfect action today is the best way to create momentum. Let’s stop waiting and start doing!

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Key Takeaways

  • There’s no perfect time: Waiting for the “right moment” often leads to missed opportunities. The best time to start is now.

  • Action creates momentum: The sooner you take the first step, the faster you’ll build momentum and make progress.

  • Waiting leads to regret: The longer you wait, the more likely you are to look back and wish you had started sooner.

  • Perfection isn’t necessary: You don’t need to have everything figured out before you start—taking imperfect action is the key to growth.

There’s No Perfect Time

Here’s the hard truth: there will never be a “perfect time” to start. Life is full of distractions, challenges, and uncertainties, and waiting for the stars to align is a recipe for inaction. The people who achieve the most success aren’t the ones who waited for everything to be just right—they’re the ones who took action, even when things weren’t perfect.

Example: Think about entrepreneurs who launched their businesses during uncertain times. Many of today’s most successful companies were born out of recessions or periods of uncertainty. Instead of waiting for ideal conditions, these entrepreneurs took action, knowing that there would never be a perfect moment to get started.

Pro Tip: Stop waiting for the perfect time. The best time to take action is always now. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll make progress.

Action Creates Momentum

Once you take the first step, something amazing happens—you start building momentum. Momentum is what keeps you moving forward, even when things get tough. The hardest part is always getting started, but once you take that initial action, the process gets easier.

Example: Think about the last time you procrastinated on a project. It probably felt overwhelming at first, but once you started working on it, you built momentum and things began to flow more easily. That’s the power of action—it’s the spark that sets everything in motion.

Pro Tip: Don’t focus on the entire journey. Instead, focus on taking the first step. Once you get moving, momentum will carry you forward, and progress will follow.

Waiting Leads to Regret

One of the biggest dangers of waiting to get started is that it often leads to regret. The longer you wait, the more likely you are to look back and wish you had started sooner. Whether it’s a fitness goal, a business venture, or a personal project, the sooner you start, the less regret you’ll feel in the future.

Example: Imagine someone who’s been thinking about writing a book for years. They keep putting it off, waiting for the “right time” to begin. Years later, they look back and regret not starting sooner. Had they taken action when the idea first came to them, they might have a published book by now.

Pro Tip: Think about your future self. Will you look back and wish you had started sooner? If the answer is yes, stop waiting and start now. Time is your most valuable asset, and you don’t want to waste it.

Perfection Isn’t Necessary

Perfection Isn’t Necessary

Here’s something important to remember: you don’t need to have everything figured out before you start. So many people get stuck in analysis paralysis, trying to perfect every detail before they take action. But here’s the truth: perfection isn’t necessary. In fact, waiting for perfection often prevents progress.

Example: Consider someone who wants to start a business but keeps delaying because they don’t have the “perfect” business plan or the “perfect” website. In reality, they could launch a simpler version today, and refine it along the way. Successful entrepreneurs know that it’s better to launch imperfectly than to wait forever for things to be perfect.

Pro Tip: Give yourself permission to take imperfect action. You can always tweak, improve, and learn along the way. What matters most is that you start.

What’s Next?

It’s time to stop waiting and start taking action. There’s no perfect time, no perfect plan, and no perfect moment to begin. The key to success is taking the first step, building momentum, and learning as you go. Don’t let fear of imperfection hold you back from making progress. The best time to start is now.

For more strategies on overcoming procrastination, taking action, and building momentum, check out my top resources, including books and coaching programs designed to help you crush the day. Together, we’ll stop waiting and start doing—one step at a time.

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