Struggle Doesn’t Last Forever  | CTDP 184


We all have experiences in our lives that are leading us to become the best version of ourselves. Some experiences might look more like struggles when a tragedy hits. This could lead to the development of a victim mentality.


Struggling through something as major as losing a family member can bury a person alive and trigger old habits to resurface. When this occurs we should stop, analyze, and become proactive in our own story.


We can’t just react to everything life throws at us when we are choosing to move forward. Tune in to this episode of “Crushing The Day,” to learn how to not let your struggle stop you from your greatness! 


What You’ll Learn:

  • How everyone goes through trying times that challenge them.
  • Why life becomes harder for us the more we give in to our struggles.
  • That it’s time to handle our business and get back to work towards our goals. 


Favorite Quote:


“You were put on this planet to be somebody and the only way to keep going is to choose the path forward.” 

 —Drewbie Wilson


How to get involved
Go to the CRUSHING THE DAY website to get involved!

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