Seek First To Understand | CTDP Ep. 64


Those of us on this path of entrepreneurship, have a service or skill set that we market in order to help others and to also bring ourselves revenue. We might sell courses on how to succeed or life coaching sessions. When trying to sell our product, we often find that not everyone is able to see the value of our offer…why is that? 


On this episode of “Crushing The Day,” Drewbie shares a quote from The 7 Habits Of Highly Successful People, “Seek first to understand then to be understood.” When we are willing to listen and seek understanding from others, then we are able to bring true value to the conversations we have with them. 


If you want to be effective in any relationship you are currently seeking, personal or professional, then you have to take the time to really listen to what the other person is saying and have empathy for their story. When you come from a place of understanding, then your voice can also be heard, and your value increases. Tune in to learn more. 


What You’ll Learn:

  • How when we can truly help others we choose to show up in empathy and understanding.
  • Why others will not buy our story of greatness when they feel alone in their struggle.
  • That providing conversations with real value creates a beneficial relationship for all parties involved. 

 Favorite Quote:

“When you can be understanding and empathetic your value will increase exponentially.”

—Drewbie Wilson


How to get involved

Go to the CRUSHING THE DAY website to get involved!

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