Kindness Costs You Nothing | CTDP Ep. 56


The energy we put out into the world is what we will receive in return. When we walk around in aggravation with sour faces, we miss out on the opportunity to be kind. Smiling at others is simple, and brightens most people’s day. By doing this, we have now given them the opportunity to share kindness with someone else. 


On this episode of “Crushing The Day,” we learn that kindness costs nothing, and is more valuable when given away. The more we give…the more it comes back to us. When we have a “Giver’s Gain” mentality, we will see the universe give back to us! Those who give will always win in the end. 


You never know when someone you’ve helped in the past, will end up being the individual who offers you a great opportunity in the future! The universe gives back in many different and beautiful ways. If you are ready to turn the corner on becoming your most elite self, then give to others. Tune in to learn more. 


What You’ll Learn:

  • How showing kindness doesn’t take much effort. 
  • Why we shouldn’t be the person that ignores those in need. 
  • That what seems like a small dollar amount to you, could make a huge difference in the life of someone truly in need. 

 Favorite Quote:

“When you start giving away your kindness in abundance, the universe will repay you tenfold.”

—Drewbie Wilson


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