It’s A Lot Easier To Be You  | CTDP 259 


So many of us wake up planning out how we will show up each day according to what we think others want us to be. We perceive that they will view us a certain way, but in reality, there is no way of actually knowing what anyone else is thinking.


Most of us do not prefer to be around others who pretend to be someone that they are not. ”Fake it until you make it” is something we’ve heard often, but over time those we are trying to impress will be able to see through our facade.


On this episode of “Crushing The Day,” Drewbie says that the best thing you can do is to just be authentic. At the end of the day, everyone really just wants the real thing. Tune in to learn more about why the best way to succeed is to just be yourself. 

What You’ll Learn:

  • How we all have a skewed perception due to our biases. 
  • Why it’s easier to genuinely be yourself.
  • That it’s time to go out into the world as our true authentic selves. 

Favorite Quote:

“ You were put on this earth to be you, you were put on this earth to be great.” 

 —Drewbie Wilson


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