Have Faith in the Energy You Put Out


In life, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and grind, constantly pushing forward without taking a moment to reflect. But what if you took a step back and trusted that the energy you put into the world will come back to you in powerful ways? In this episode of Crushing the Day, we explore the idea of having faith in the energy you create and how it can shape your journey in ways you never imagined. It’s about trust, positivity, and believing in the process—even when the results aren’t immediately visible.

Trust the process

Key Takeaways

  1. Energy flows where attention goes. The more you focus on positive energy, the more you attract it into your life. It’s about being intentional with your thoughts and actions.

  2. Trust the process. Not everything happens on your timeline. Sometimes, the best outcomes come from having patience and trusting that your efforts will pay off in due time.

  3. Your vibe attracts your tribe. The energy you put out into the world doesn’t just impact you—it influences the people around you. Positive energy attracts like-minded individuals and opportunities.

  4. Faith fuels persistence. When you have faith in the energy you’re creating, it’s easier to stay persistent, even when challenges arise. Belief in the process keeps you moving forward.

  5. Energy is contagious. Whether positive or negative, energy spreads. By maintaining a positive outlook, you not only uplift yourself but also those around you.

Energy Flows Where Attention Goes

Energy Flows Where Attention Goes

What you focus on expands. If you’re constantly dwelling on the negatives or what’s not working, that’s exactly what you’ll attract more of. But when you shift your focus to the positive—your goals, your strengths, your progress—you start to see more of those things manifest in your life. It’s about being deliberate with your attention and ensuring that your energy is aligned with what you want to achieve.

Trust the Process

We all want instant results, but the truth is, real success takes time. It’s easy to get discouraged when things don’t happen as quickly as we’d like, but that’s where faith comes in. Trusting the process means believing that your hard work and positive energy will eventually lead to the outcomes you desire, even if you can’t see the results right away. It’s about having patience and confidence in your journey.

Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe

The energy you radiate doesn’t just affect you—it influences the people and opportunities that come into your life. When you maintain a positive, uplifting vibe, you attract others who share that same energy. This creates a powerful network of like-minded individuals who support and elevate each other. On the flip side, if you’re putting out negative energy, you’ll attract negativity in return. Choose to be a beacon of positivity, and watch as your tribe grows stronger and more aligned with your goals.

What’s Next?

Ready to harness the power of positive energy? Dive into the tools and strategies that can help you maintain faith in your journey and attract the outcomes you desire. Explore my best-selling books and our other programs that focus on building a strong mindset and enhancing your skillset. Remember, the energy you put out is what you’ll get back—so let’s keep it positive and keep crushing it!

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