Forgiving The Mistakes | CTDP 571


If you can't forgive yourself for the mistakes you've made, how can you forgive others for the mistakes they're making?

What you'll learn on this episode of Crushing the Day:


💥 So many of us beat ourselves us up, for our mistakes, failures, struggles. Often, we let these flaws eat us alive.


💥 We forget that struggles and failures are a part of growth. Each and everyone of us makes mistakes and we all have to forgive those. 

Favorite Quote: 

"You're gonna make mistakes. Forgive yourself for those mistakes, because when you do that, you start being able to forgive the others in your life for the mistakes that they're making."

Pick up a copy of Drewbie's book, Crushing the Day, at Leave him a 5-star review on iTunes! 

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