Don’t Know A Lot And Do Very Little  | CTDP 182


We’ve all been around a “know-it-all”... that one person in a group gathering that seems to know something about everything. But, when you look closer, it’s hard to see what it is that they actually do!


Don’t be the kind of person who knows a lot but does very little. Just because you’ve read a book on certain subjects, doesn’t mean you have reached success in those areas of your life. You’ve still got to do the work!


If you are ready to become the next best version of yourself, then don’t do anything else until you’ve taken action on the knowledge you have now. Tune in to this episode of “Crushing The Day,” to learn more.


What You’ll Learn:

  • How no one likes to listen to a “know-it-all”.
  • Why its action that generates results!
  • That by taking action on the knowledge you currently have, you will gain confidence to move forward. 


Favorite Quote:


“You can’t just learn about being successful in business you have to take action on that knowledge because you can’t just think your way into success.” 

 —Drewbie Wilson


How to get involved
Go to the CRUSHING THE DAY website to get involved!

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