Do the Hard Stuff or Do the Hard Stuff: Why There’s No Easy Path to Success


Here’s the reality—no matter what you choose in life, there’s always going to be hard stuff to deal with. You can either face the challenges head-on and push through the discomfort now, or you can avoid them and deal with even tougher situations down the road. In today’s episode of Crushing the Day, we’re talking about why doing the hard stuff now—whether it's in your personal growth, business, or fitness—pays off in the long run. Life doesn’t give you an easy path, but you can decide which kind of “hard” you want to tackle. Let’s dive into why embracing the hard stuff today will lead to the success you’re after tomorrow.

Overcoming Sales Challenges

Key Takeaways

  • There’s no escaping the hard stuff: Whether you do it now or later, challenges will always come. The sooner you face them, the sooner you grow.

  • Growth comes from discomfort: Success isn’t found in easy choices—it’s built by doing what’s uncomfortable and difficult.

  • Avoiding the hard stuff only makes things harder: Putting off challenges doesn’t make them disappear. In fact, it often makes them more difficult to handle later on.

  • Consistent effort through the hard stuff leads to success: It’s the small, tough decisions you make every day that ultimately lead to big victories.

There’s No Escaping the Hard Stuff

Here’s the truth most people don’t want to hear: Life’s hard no matter what. If you’re waiting for things to magically get easier, you’ll be waiting a long time. Whether you’re tackling a difficult conversation, putting in extra hours to build your business, or sticking to a new fitness routine—there’s always going to be discomfort. But here’s the kicker: you can either face that discomfort now, or you’ll end up dealing with bigger, tougher challenges later.

Example: You can choose to have that tough conversation with your team now, address the problems head-on, and build a stronger work environment. Or you can avoid it, let things fester, and eventually deal with the fallout of an unhappy team and lost productivity. Either way, the hard stuff doesn’t go away—it just shifts into a different kind of problem.

Growth Comes from Discomfort

The thing about success that no one likes to talk about is that it’s not found in comfort zones. It’s easy to stay where you’re comfortable, doing what you’ve always done. But real growth—real transformation—happens when you stretch yourself beyond what’s easy. When you’re willing to do the hard stuff, you’re building the muscle, resilience, and mindset that will carry you through to the next level.

Pro Tip: Next time you’re faced with a tough decision or situation, remind yourself that it’s supposed to be hard. The challenge is what makes you stronger. Success comes from pushing through the discomfort, not avoiding it.

Example: Think about fitness. You don’t build strength by lifting light weights and staying comfortable. You grow by pushing your body beyond its current limits, by embracing the burn, and by sticking with it even when it’s hard. The same applies to every area of your life—personal growth, business, relationships. Embrace the hard stuff, and watch yourself grow.

Avoiding the Hard Stuff Only Makes Things Harder

You can’t outrun the hard stuff. The more you avoid it, the more it piles up and gets worse. That tough decision you don’t want to make today? It’s going to come back as an even bigger problem tomorrow. That fitness goal you keep putting off? It’ll only get harder the longer you wait. Avoidance doesn’t solve anything—it just delays the inevitable and compounds the difficulty.

Pro Tip: Stop avoiding the hard stuff. Make it a point to face challenges head-on, no matter how uncomfortable they are. When you tackle the difficult tasks now, you build momentum, confidence, and clarity.

Example: Imagine you keep putting off an important health check-up because you’re afraid of bad news. By the time you actually go, the situation may have gotten worse, and now you’re facing a more serious issue. Tackling the hard stuff early on gives you more control and better outcomes in the long run.

Consistent Effort Through the Hard Stuff Leads to Success

Success doesn’t come from one big decision or one massive effort. It’s the result of consistent, small actions you take every day—especially when those actions are tough. Every time you choose to do the hard stuff, you’re inching closer to your goals. Whether it’s sticking to a morning routine, making those extra sales calls, or staying disciplined with your budget, the tough stuff adds up to success over time.

Example: If you want to run a marathon, you don’t just wake up and run 26 miles. You train, day in and day out, gradually increasing your endurance and stamina. It’s the same in business or personal development. Every small, hard thing you do now builds up to the big wins you’ll celebrate later.

What’s Next?

It’s time to stop avoiding the hard stuff and start embracing it. The challenges, discomfort, and difficult decisions are all part of the journey toward success. Whether it’s in your career, health, or personal life, facing the hard stuff today will lead to better results tomorrow. Don’t wait for things to get easier—they won’t. Choose your hard, tackle it head-on, and let’s keep crushing the day.

For more tips on how to build resilience and stay motivated through the tough times, check out my top resources, including books and coaching programs designed to help you take action and achieve your goals. Together, we’ll face the hard stuff and come out stronger on the other side.


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