Answer Your Calling Or Risk Missing The Message - CTDP Ep. 40


We all were meant for something great! Each one of us has our own calling and message to share with the world. Some of us don’t know what that is yet. For those of us who do, it is time to take action. If we are afraid to answer the call and would rather choose to live in comfort, the gift we had to share will be lost. 


On this episode of “Crushing The Day,” we learn that by “answering that call”, we will be able to give back in ways we never dreamed possible. When we listen to what calls to our heart, we will be able to become our most elite selves. 


You are not an atypical individual. You were meant for more…you were born for greatness and have amazing gifts to share. What is it that really brings you joy, and drives you to become a better person? You can help the world be “exactly as it was meant to be” when you take the chance to answer your calling. Tune in to learn more. 


What You’ll Learn:

  • How we all are destined for greatness. 
  • Why remaining in comfort blocks us from success. 
  • That when we choose to answer our calling by taking action, everything will begin to fall into line. 

 Favorite Quote:

“If you don’t answer your calling you’ll miss out on the message you were meant to bring to the world.”

—Drewbie Wilson


How to get involved

Go to the CRUSHING THE DAY website to get involved!

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